Landowner Relationship Management

Key Capabilities:
Automate Notifications
Share Pictures
Avoid redundant queries
Build maps for landowner
PDF reports to owner
Track communications

Keep Owners Informed, Schedule, Share
Nothing proves the shared interests of landowners and land trusts than the sharing of the deepening knowledge of the property. Versions of stewardship reports can be produced to emphasize pictures, maps, wildlife observations and other elements that may be of interest. Etuity can make the entire experience more convenient, with automated notifications; and make the experience richer for the sharing of pictures and experiences afterward.
Share a Version of the Stewardship Report
Following up can be as simple as sharing a version of the stewardship report, typically emphasizing the pictures and wildlife observations. Maps, tracks and other elements can be incorporated in a standard email package sent after visits to land owned by people desiring more interaction.
Share Maps
Landowners often have basic, deficient maps. Something as simple as a base map and boundaries might be of great value to them. Add onto that trails walked and points of interest marked, and the perceived value can rocket.
Share Pictures
The iPad or iPhone’s camera can be used to directly insert images into the database. That makes one-touch reports easy for sharing pictures with landowners and others. Images from other cameras can also be inserted.