Touch Maps: Never Easier
No software ever made making a tree map easier. We managed to eliminate the need to use GIS while remaining compatible with GIS applications. Just click on the map, and the latitude and longitude will automatically enter with accuracy roughly ten times better than average GPS readings. This new technology, called Touch Map, makes geolocation collection and display super simple. When internet/cellular access is not available, you can revert to using the GPS chip in your device. The tree map can be exported in an open file format to a GIS system, a free mobile app, free computer software such as Google Earth, or even be published online on a service such as Google Maps.

Quick-Glance of Tree Visit History with Easy Entry
Working with open standards, the map information can be exported to Google Earth, ArcGIS, or any other platform using today’s current standard KML file format. The tree map can be loaded into other systems, or given to the client to display on their website via mapping services provided for free by Google, Microsoft and others.

Customize Your Maps
Make quick maps that show trees labeled by one factor, such as risk rating, and colored by another factor, such as species. Export those to a Google Maps account so you can provide clients with URLs where they can click on an icon to see the complete attribution table of that tree. Easily customize colors, icons, sizes, map sizes, scales and labels. Maps are available in the field so long as the device has internet access, and the device can record GPS coordinates even if the field unit isn’t connected.