Get help here with answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Basic setup
What is the fastest way to get going with Forest Metrix? Check out the Template Wizard.
What are the different ways to tally trees? Can I tally multiple products?
Do I need to enter every tree species, DBH, HT and product one at a time, or is there a faster way? Try the Dot Tally method.
Advanced Setup
I work with many products other than simply sawtimber and pulp. How do I set them up?
How do I collect data other than timber, like plot level observations and regeneration surveys?
Cruising, Tallying, Analyzing
How do I start a new cruise or tally?
I just started a new file and need to tally some trees.
How do I analyze my cruise and produce the Pro reports?
Other functions
How do I merge files from multiple cruisers, or import a cruise from an old version?
How do I move old cruise files from Filemaker Go 15 into Forest Metrix Pro?