Tree Workflow

Key Differences:
Same-day support
Work prioritization
Pictures, notes for crew
GPS 1-touch record look-up
Exception notes, ability to confer
Re-route crews on the fly
TCIA forms compliance

Put More Work Through, More Efficiently
Workflow management can be made super-simple, allowing for proposal creation and instant sending to the client. Track approvals and, later, work assignments. Even invoices sent based on work noted as done.Chemical treatments can be noted, and even annual government reporting automated. Our Enterprise version can also track and assign work for multiple teams, maximizing throughput.
The system is customizable, as no two tree services are quite alike. Organize your company in the way it works best, and Urban Forest Metrix will conform to it.
Get More Work Proposed and Approved
Click a button to have your device’s GPS figure out what tree is in front of you. See its visit history. Add to it quickly.
The clever interface starts from a basic, quick view of a tree’s information, but provides access to numerous tabs that can go into great detail, make complex, industry-standard calculations.
Prioritize Work to Best Teams and Times
Our mapping system is designed to work with the current state-of-the-art mapping systems, such as Google Earth, the most popular personal navigation apps, ArcGIS and any other system that can use the industry-standard KML format.
One Client: “I was surprised how much clients perceived my work to be more valuable because I was able to quickly and easily send them these reports and maps electronically. I charge now more, and I think I get more business because of this.”
Invoice, Communicate, Be Ready for Next Year's Proposal
Whether its a TRAQ tree risk assessment, an official tree appraisal, or a report on conflicts, UFM has logical places for this to be entered, reported, and later referenced.
Delight Clients with Maps, Reports, Competence
Whether its a TRAQ tree risk assessment, an official tree appraisal, or a report on conflicts, UFM has logical places for this to be entered, reported, and later referenced.
Take Your Old Data With you
Whatever system you are using now, we can help you load the legacy information into our new Urban Forest Metrix installation for you. This is part of our free service. We are especially aware of customers of ArborPlus who recently were notified of that service’s shutting down. We are working with ArborPlus clients to move legacy data. We have also done so with just about all of the other software vendors on the market today.