Forest Metrix will be conducting the following workshops in early January. UWSP (Kevin Burns) recently signed on to the Forest Metrix system and will be hosting the workshops at Treehaven (January 6, all day) and the Stevens Point campus (January 7, half day). If you’ve been considering moving into the 21st century to SAVE TIME in your cruising/reporting process, this is a good opportunity to learn how that transition could work. Attendees will get hands-on experience with these systems and learn about the following:

– Smart phones and tablets for foresters- how they work, what you can do with them, GPS accuracy, ruggedness, other forestry/ecology tools, etc
– The Forest Metrix timber cruise inventory system- setting up cruises, tallying and collecting data, processing analytics on the fly, automatically generating the Forest Metrix Excel reports.
– There will be plenty of opportunity for open discussion about other topics as well, such as how desktop GIS solutions can be dovetailed with iPad/iPhone GPS apps, alternative sampling protocols, etc.
– Donn will be available after the Jan 6 workshop concludes (3PM) to provide technical support on any computer/tablet/phone related issues. Kevin will also be in attendance at the Jan 7 workshop if you have questions for him.

Below you will see a complete agenda for each.
Attendees can bring their own laptops. A limited number of demo iPads will be available, but attendees should bring iPhones or iPads if they have their own. Cost is $50, refreshments will be provided. Attendees should bring their own lunch. Please register with Donn Downey by Friday, January 2, 2015.


Tuesday January 6, 2015

9:00                 Introductions, Expectations, and Workshop Overview
9:10                 Smart phones and tablets for foresters
10:00               Forest Metrix – setting up a cruise, data collection, processing data
12:00              Lunch
12:30              Field Trial- put it all to use
1:30                 Creating Excel Reports
2:30                 Questions about Forest Metrix, other GPS/GIS apps, navigation, forestry tools, etc
3:00                 Adjourn
3PM – ?         Tech support

University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point
Wednesday January 7, 2015

9:00                Introductions, Expectations, and Workshop Overview
9:10                Smart phones and tablets for foresters
9:30                Forest Metrix – setting up a cruise, data collection, processing data
10:50             Field Trial- put it all to use
11:30               Creating Excel Reports
12:00               Adjourn